Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Starting from zero

Let's just keep some modest goals on the table: post a few pictures of the kids now and then, write about our adventures and mommy angst, mommy hobbies, mommy thoughts about things other than being a mommy, maybe get a few comments in the process. Beyond that, I'm not making any promises.

Here are some extra special photos to get us started. No expectations that they will all be this good, k?  These were taken by Lisa Campbell and are our very first family photo session back in July. I think it turned out well! Expect to see a few of these on Christmas cards, yo.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! These are the new digs, I presume. Very nice, very nice. Love the photos!

    I am totally going to start printing my blog like on Angry Chicken. I wish I had learned some book binding skills in college (instead I learned advanced statistics skills...so not transferable to real life). I guess mine will be spiral bound but that's not the end of the world, right.
